The EU-funded Water and Environment Support (WES) project released the final Video on water and environmental project achievements.

The EU-funded Water and Environment Support (WES) project released the final Video on water and environmental project achievements.

Athens, 12 November 2024

The EU-funded Water and Environment Support (WES) Project has released its final video, providing a brief visual narrative of the project’s efforts in addressing pressing water and environmental issues across the Middle East North Africa region. Through a combination of interviews with key stakeholders, experts, and WES team members, the video showcases the challenges tackled, the solutions implemented, and the positive impact made possible through the WES interventions.

The video highlights some of the most urgent issues in the region that WES strove to address over the last five years and offers a glimpse into the on-the-ground work undertaken to help improve water management and environmental practices, directly benefiting local populations.

The challenges that were addressed through WES were complex and are critical for the future sustainability of the Partner Countries and the region and this video allows us to share our story and show the tangible results that were achieved through the hard work of the expert teams and the support of the European Union.

In addition to providing an overview of the approach adopted by WES, which combines capacity building, technical support, policy dialogue and implementation, the video also underscores the crucial role of the EU as an enabler of positive change. By working in close collaboration with regional and national stakeholders, the EU’s support has been pivotal in promoting sustainable policies and solutions and fostering cooperation across the region.

As the WES programme draws to a close, this video serves as both a reflection on the progress made and a reminder of the importance of continued efforts and follow up of the project to safeguard water and environmental resources for future generations.

To view the final WES video and learn more about the project’s work, visit For more information and to view the video, please visit

Subtitled versions of the video in English, French, or Arabic are also accessible through the WES YouTube channel:




For more information, please contact:

Lisa Papadogeorgaki, WES Key Expert Communication and networking              

Meanwhile, stay updated via:


WES Web site


WES Facebook page


WES Twitter page


WES LinkedIn page


WES YouTube page

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