Honorary Tribute to International Designer Mona Al-Mansouri at the 18th International Fashion Festival in Russia ‘Linen Canvas’

Honorary Tribute to International Designer Mona Al-Mansouri at the 18th International Fashion Festival in Russia ‘Linen Canvas’

After receiving an invitation from the organizing committee of the 18th International Fashion Festival in the Russian city of Plios, UAE-based international fashion designer Mona Al-Mansouri was honored by the festival organizers with a special tribute, presented with the highest honorary shield, handmade especially for her by the festival’s foundation. The ‘Linen Canvas’ festival has been held in the city of Plios, located on the Volga River, for 17 years, becoming a unique event in Russia’s cultural life, with ‘Linen Canvas’ being a symbol of Russia’s rich cultural and historical heritage. On the first day, 45 young designers showcased their talents, with the festival providing them with support, while on the second day, 38 Haute Couture and Pret-a-Porter designers presented over 15 designs to the audience and the judging committee. It is worth noting that Mona Al-Mansouri is constantly creative, with her recent ‘Henna Night’ collection, as well as her exquisite royal wedding gowns, and her presence at numerous fashion events in several Arab and international countries.

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عروض في باريس حتى نهاية تشرين الأول لمسرحية عرقتنجي “صار وقت الحكي”

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