Hage-Chahine Law Firm and Al Sulaiti Law Firm sign a strategic Memorandum of Understanding

Hage-Chahine Law Firm and Al Sulaiti Law Firm sign a strategic Memorandum of Understanding

Lebanese and French Law Firm Hage-Chahine and Qatari Law Firm Al Sulaiti Law Firm have announced the signing of a strategic memorandum of understanding which aims at enhancing the capabilities of the two firms to provide integrated legal services to their clients in the region and expand their reach on a regional level.

The MOU solidifies the partnership between the two firms and aims to exchange knowledge and develop new strategies that enhance the quality of legal services provided to clients. It is expected that clients of both firms will benefit from this collaboration by receiving top tier legal support in various legal areas, including dispute resolution, commercial and financial matters, real estate law, intellectual property rights, and more.

Prof. Najib Hage-Chahine, the Managing Partner of Hage-Chahine Law Firm, stated that “It is an honor to be associated with Al Sulaiti Law Firm, one of the foremost legal powerhouses in Qatar”. He also emphasized the importance of the agreement in expanding into the Gulf region and providing cross-border legal support to clients in the Qatari legal market.

Mubarak Al Sulaiti, the Chairman of Al Sulaiti Law Firm expressed that “This invaluable collaboration enriches our network of relationships and strategic partnerships in the Middle East.” Underlining the regional and global distinction of Hage-Chahine Law Firm, he emphasized that the alliance is dedicated to prioritizing the interests of clients. Al Sulaiti Law Firm’s vision for continuous expansion aligns seamlessly with this partnership, aiming to provide legal services that not only exceed expectations within the State of Qatar but extend beyond to encompass the majority of the countries in the Middle East region.

عقد شراكة مع مجموعه اي جي اي القابضة ورئيس مجلس ادارتها د. سعد الدين منيمنة  في مؤتمر انعقاد القمة (9)
تكنولوجيا واقتصاد منوعات

عقد شراكة مع مجموعه اي جي اي القابضة ورئيس مجلس ادارتها د. سعد الدين منيمنة في مؤتمر انعقاد القمة (9)

انعقدت القمة التاسعة لمبادرة الحزام والطريق التي استضافتها حكومة منطقة هونغ كونغ الإدارية الخاصة في الفترة من 11 إلى 12 سبتمبر 2024 تحت شعار “بناء حزام وطريق متصل، مبتكر وصديق للبيئة”. شهدت القمة توقيع العديد من الشراكات بين رجال الأعمال من جميع أنحاء العالم، حيث وقع رئيس مجلس إدارة AGI Holding ونائب رئيس غرفة التجارة […]

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اقرأ المزيد