“Christmas On Ice” Illuminates Palais Des Congres Dbayeh After 4 Year Hiatus with a Spectacular Comeback!

“Christmas On Ice” Illuminates Palais Des Congres Dbayeh After 4 Year Hiatus with a Spectacular Comeback!

“Christmas On Ice” Illuminates Palais Des Congres Dbayeh After 4 Year Hiatus with a Spectacular Comeback!


November 7, 2023: Crazy Events and Artists and More Entertainment come together to illuminate the Palais Des Congres-Dbayeh for the debut of “Christmas On Ice.” After a four-year hiatus, the iconic theater awakens from its slumber with an extraordinary transformation, shining brightly to host the people of Lebanon for the most spectacular event of the season.


Palais Des Congres-Dbayeh, which had remained shrouded in darkness for several years due to the challenging circumstances that Lebanon has faced, is breathing new life after undergoing months of diligent innovation, maintenance, and, most importantly, a touch of magic. After four years of silence and darkness, Crazy Events and Artists and More Entertainment brought the theater alive with brilliant lights, setting the stage for an unforgettable experience. The theater has been transformed into a world of wonder, ready to transport audiences to a realm where dreams come true.


“Christmas On Ice” is set to be the grand reopening spectacle that heralds this theater’s resurgence. The event promises to be a beacon of hope, showcasing stunning ice-skating performances, mesmerizing storytelling, and an unforgettable narrative. The show will take audiences on a journey where dreams come true, in a celebration of the enduring spirit of Christmas.


This revival is more than just the return of a theater; it’s a beacon of hope for Lebanon, signifying a revival of the arts and culture. As the theater’s doors swing open to the people of Lebanon, it’s an emotional reunion with the arts, bringing back a sense of inspiration. “Christmas On Ice” serves as the perfect embodiment of this long-awaited comeback, promising an experience that will leave a lasting impact.


As “Christmas On Ice” takes center stage this December, it marks a significant turning point for the Palais Des Congres’ and the Lebanese cultural landscape. The show is a testament to the power of creativity, resilience, and the enduring magic of live entertainment. Palais Des Congres Dbayeh’s transformation and the return of “Christmas On Ice” signify a bright future for the venue and the cultural landscape of Lebanon.




For details about “Christmas On Ice” and to secure your tickets for this remarkable event, please visit www.artistsandmore.com or call 81 21 91 01. Follow @ChristmasOnIce on Instagram!

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