Combining Arabic and foreign music. DJ Big Chak confirms his success in the world of music!

Combining Arabic and foreign music. DJ Big Chak confirms his success in the world of music!

Combining Arabic and foreign music. DJ Big Chak confirms his success in the world of music!

DJ Big Chak is distinguished by music that combines old and new Arabic and foreign music to satisfy all tastes, so his followers notice his choice of the striking songs that people love to ignite the atmosphere and instill joy in his evenings and parties that witness wide interaction and great demand, where it is necessary to invite lovers of night to listen and participate in what he offers in his concerts and evenings of distinctive music that makes the atmosphere he creates unique and does not resemble any other style.

The name DJ Big Chak had emerged in the world of music, especially with the great success it achieves in its evenings and the turnout it is witnessing.

It is noteworthy that Chafic Tarabay, known as DJ big chak, began his career in the night places in Zahle before expanding his activity and moving to larger nightclubs, especially in Beirut, where his name shone as one of the most prominent names in this field.

In the same time, DJ Big Chak today continues to prepare for his future projects as he continues to study music production.

He also plans to move after that to the release of Remixes and its own songs, especially after the great success achieved by the various Mixes that it released through the Anghami application, which followers must listen to what it offers through this application where they can follow all its distinctive versions that they find on the Anghami application.

To follow DJ Big Chak

Via the Anghami app: Big Chak

On Instagram: Big Chak

كلام البحر.. الموسيقار حازم شاهين يستعد لإطلاق ألبوم موسيقى إنتاج زياد رحباني
أخبار فنية

كلام البحر.. الموسيقار حازم شاهين يستعد لإطلاق ألبوم موسيقى إنتاج زياد رحباني

يستعد الموسيقار حازم شاهين لإطلاق ألبومه الموسيقى الجديد خلال الأسابيع القادمة والألبوم من إنتاج الموسيقار الكبير زياد رحباني، ويعد هذا الأللبوم تتويجا للتعاون الفني بين شاهين والرحباني حيث تعاونا من قبل في تقديم العديد من الحفلات الفنية، وقام فيها شاهين بالعزف والغناء للعديد من ألحان الرحباني الشهيرة مثل “أنا مش كافر” و”شو ها الأيام” وأمريكا […]

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أخبار فنية

بنسيون دلال في دور العرض ١٠ اكتوبر

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أخبار فنية

عروض في باريس حتى نهاية تشرين الأول لمسرحية عرقتنجي “صار وقت الحكي”

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اقرأ المزيد